Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Autumn Colours

We woke up this morning to this magnificent view:

After a hearty 'full english' breakfast we set out  for a walk along the side of the lake. we found the red squirrels in the woods:

We watched them feeding for ages and got quite close until they spotted us and legged it!

The scenery around the lake was georgous:

and the autumn colours spectacular:

We only walked for about 10 miles and that was on the level, but my legs were still aching a bit when we got back to the hotel, so after a nice sandwich P stayed in the bar to survey the scenery and I went and had another bath in the jacuzzi!

Afterwards I dozed in the massive king size bed and just enjoyed the space and luxury. Our bed on the boat is 3/4 size and that really isn't big enough for two grown adults! Some people fill the entire cabin with the bed which means there is plenty of room for a comfortable kip, but it's not a good scenario when you are out on the water. When cruising you need quick access through the boat in case there is a problem at the front end. It is always possible to walk along the gunnels on the outside, but it is not a quick way of getting from one end to the other and of course it isn't always safe.

The answer is to build an extension to the bed in winter when no one goes out sailing. You then slot a purpose made mattress in and you have a decent sized bed. This is yet another thing which is on the back burner after our solar panels, double glazing etc.! So for this winter we will continue to be fighting for space, (I usually win by the way!!)

We had a lovely meal in the restaurant tonight and we were the only people in the hotel apart from one other couple. Partly we think this is because it is miles from anywhere. The nearest town is 10 miles away and it really is in the middle of nowhere. I suppose we are quite unusual in that we love the solitude.

As Henry Thoreau says:

I was suddenly sensible of such sweet and beneficient society in nature, in the very pattering drops and in every sound and sight around my house, an infinite and unaccountable friendliness all at once like an atmosphere sustaining me, as made the fancied advantages of human neighbourhood insignificant and I have never thought of them since
From 'Walden, or a life in the woods'

And on that note - good night


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