Friday, February 17, 2012


I have just spent two days doing things I could only dream of a couple of years ago.

When we lived in the house I was constantly busy, even during time when I wasn't officially working. I would either be catching up on housework or preparing for the next few weeks of work. So I never had time to indulge myself and if I did I usually felt guilty.

Yesterday morning, I met a good friend for coffee and a long chat and then Phil and I went to the cinema in the afternoon. I started my old pattern of feeling guilty at having spent the whole day enjoying myself and maybe being a little self indulgent, but then I realised that these things are not just about me, it's important for the other people too. Over the years I have lost a lot of friends because they got fed up with me always being too busy to spend time with them. The upside is that the friends I have left are loyal and real stayers!! I used to meet up occasionally with the friend I met yesterday, but I was always stressed and rushing. It was a joy to sit and relax with her and I know I will see her again soon as well, instead of only once or twice a year!

Today has been lovely too. Phil booked me a spa morning at a local beauty clinic and by lunch time I was in a purple haze having been saunaed, jacussied, massaged and generally pampered! We went to the pub for lunch and sat and marvelled at how our lives have changed. We spend more time together and are both so much more relaxed.

The weather is improving and we are planning to be on the move quite soon which may hopefully add some interest to my musings, So keep watching this space!


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