Today we woke up to heavy rain and hail, so I thought I had better take the opportunity to do some work on my website. I worked hard all morning and then the weather started to clear, which is just as well, as I was starting to go stir crazy.
Phil suggested that we do some planting out at the allotment, so we spent an enjoyable couple of hours down there. We had a 'committee' meeting last night with T and made lots of decisions about what to plant and what we needed to buy. Jack sat amongst us and seemed to take a keen interest in the proceedings:
This is boring ... |
No No that's really not a good idea ... |
well I'm only trying to help ... |
That's more like it - glad you took my advice.
He also came with us today just to check that we were doing it right:
After we had finished planting potatos, beans, onions, shallots, garlic and parsnips, I took him for a walk up to the farm to get some milk and eggs.
The sky was fantastic over the fields:
On the way back I passed the new village hall which is nearly complete and looking really good:
Shortly after that we arrived at our bridge, you can just see our boat (the blue one):
We had a salad for tea tonight. Sunday's weigh in was not good and if I don't rein myself in I am going to end up several stone overweight. I have not exercised enough to work the extra calories off recently. I think Jack is due for a big walk and then I can continue to indulge myself - I love my food so much!
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