Sunday, February 2, 2014

Stinking Minks and Pottering Otters

We have had a number of disturbances on the marina in recent weeks. Many boaters have commented on loud sploshing noises near the jetty and splashing under the boats late at night. It has to be something big.

We have a friend who is a wild life field worker, so I texted her for advice. We have seen both Mink and Otters here last year, but we only got a glimpse and just once for each animal. Whatever we have now is a regular visitor, or could even be resident. Our friend has told us to look for black thin scat in which case it will be Mink, as they are apparently dirty compared to Otters.

This morning I heard a loud splosh down the jetty and went to investigate. In an empty berth between two boats, I saw the tell tale signs of an Otter, a line of bubbles on the surface. I stood very still and was rewarded a minute later by a brief sighting of an Otter head which just poked up out of the water for about a second before disappearing again.

Because it is quiet on a Sunday morning I suppose there is more likelihood of seeing it and a couple of other boaters saw it a few minutes later further down the Marina. We are determined to capture it on film, so Phil and I have bought an infra red motion camera and have positioned it at the end of the Jetty overnight. We will see what we get.....

In the meantime, I am determined to get up at the crack of dawn tomorrow and stake it out with my camera.

Another boater says that the kingfisher's favourite fishing spot is from the boat next to him and he sees it every day, so again I'm going to stake it out.

Watch this space ...... Hoping to post photos in the near future!


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