The weather over the last few days has been wet, windy and miserable and put paid to our hopes of Spring on the way. However, there are still
some signs of Spring despite the cold, with the Song Thrush opposite our boat beginning to tentatively practice his repertoire and many Crocuses and Snow drops coming out.
I went to a rehearsal yesterday at a friend's house, to practice for our next concert. This time we have quite an ambitious program, which includes a Piano Quintet by Mozart and I have to play many very fast passages. It was here that the contrast between a draughty house and our cosy boat was most marked. Although they had the heating on, my hands were still cold enough to hamper my playing. It was lovely to return to the boat and our wood burning stove, which was throwing out heat throughout the boat.
A number of leisure boaters are returning to the Marina now that Spring is on its way and it is nice to have some company and to catch up with them. There were only three of us residential boaters (liveaboards) on the Marina over winter and it can feel a bit lonely and bleak at times.
On the wildlife front, I have been too busy practising the piano and preparing for my next work stint in March to stake out the Kingfisher, but I did move the otter camera to a position at the end of the jetty pointing at the water, because we hear it very regularly splashing around and swimming under our boats, especially at night. The latest images are inconclusive, but the camera has definitely captured something:
This is the water with no disturbance |
There seems to be quite a bit of disturbance under the surface here |
I think I can see a rough otter shape and maybe an eye? |
Again I feel there is some shape here |
I may be mistaken, but there is hope that we can capture something, as I think we are now training the camera on one of his favourite spots. What we really want, is for him to pop his head above the water. I must also remember to reset the date and time on the camera, so we have an accurate recording of when he appears.
On the subject of wildlife, this is the theme for this years village photography competition, so I am starting to sort out some photos. here are a few possible entries:
Bottle Nosed Dolphins near Inverness |
Cormorant Catching an Eel |
Grebes doing their courting dance |
Moorhen Chick |
Barn Owl Hunting
Hopefully, one of these might be in with a chance of winning a prize.
I hope that we can get more otter pictures for the next time, watch this space!
Al :)
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