Thursday, September 29, 2011


Got home from work to be told by P (hubby) that the battery charger has melted. This is the second time this has happened, in addition to a battery which literally 'blew up' a few weeks ago. The hum of the M6 motorway can just about be heard from the marina as we are just off junction xx and so when the battery blew my neighbours assumed it was an accident on the motorway, it was that loud!

I'm sick of battery problems and the shop who provides this equipment is quite well known, but we won't be buying from them again! Time to do some research and maybe get a state of the art system - sod the expense, too much relies on our battery power! We had hot water tonight because we ran the engine for an hour, but the lights are already beginning to go dim.
That's got me thinking .... we don't take anything for granted anymore. Everytime I fill up with water I realise how important water is and how easy it is to just turn on a tap for most people. Every time we use water we are aware that we have a limited supply until we fill up again, which can't be a bad thing considering the current shortage of water in the world. Living on the boat is beginning to make me a bit of an eco warrior!!

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