Saturday, July 21, 2012

Two boats minus one

We have sold our little boat ... we feel quite sad about it really because it is a beautiful boat with much character, but it has gone to a lovely family who we took to immediately and it means money in the bank for us. It wasn't really being used much, son number two has too many other distractions to be out sailing it as he might have done during the first year of his degree course. He is now working at two jobs until he applies for the career job in the Autumn when the big companies do their graduate entry schemes.

The people who bought it were just blown away by the peace of sitting on it and watching the world go by. We then invited them to come and have a cup of tea on our boat in the basin and when they saw the scenery up there I think it sold itself!

Phil got up at 5am this morning to go and do some bird watching and here are some of the pictures he took:

View from the stern of the boat

View from the bow of the boat

Early morning mist

The Estuary

Today was the first reasonably warm and sunny day for a long time. I took the opportunity to do some washing and hang it off the boat - you can buy special drying frames which hook onto the boat. I also had some left over tomatoes, so put them in egg cartons on the roof to dry them. When the sun is really hot, the top of the boat becomes like an oven and you can 'sun dry' tomatoes on it. They are great mixed with a bit of olive oil and chillis.

I enjoyed spending some time sitting on the back in the sun reading, with Jack lying at my feet, (tired after having had a good walk). It was lovely to chill for a bit,but I still have lots of things I need to do, like sorting out our storage which has become a tip and a dumping ground. We also still have some stuff left over from the house which I am going to put on ebay.


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