Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Avoidance Strategies

Okay I admit it, I am a master at avoidance strategies. In the past P used to have to spell it out to me that that was what I was doing, but I recognise it myself now. Despite that I still can't do anything about it.

The fact is that whatever the weather, I would rather be outside doing something manual than indoors doing work. So after two days in work, all I wanted to do today was boaty chores.

I swept out, cleaned the shower, chopped some wood and made the bed. All this was done by 11am so I was just contemplating having to do some paper work, when along came Jack hoping for a walk. What could I do? Here is a dog in serious need of exercise so we duly headed off down the tow path.

I took the new camera so that I could experiment with its many features. I'm not sure if my pics are any better ....

The walk was extended considerably because as I approached the marina three boats were moored at varying points along the towpath. They all belonged to people I know and who I haven't seen for a while and who were out and about. Consequently about 2 hours later, having 'caught up' with them all I finally got back to the boat.

When I came back I had no excuse, so I did my books and set up for more recording. I hit a problem today and spent hours sorting it out and consequently was in a very bad temper when P arrived back from his trip to get diesel and other things for the boat. He tried to help but by then I was past bothering and preferred to get on with cooking dinner than faff around with computers. They're great when they work but so frustrating when they don't.

Jack's owner went out tonight so he stayed with us and has kipped all night either in the chair or on our bed. That walk really tired him out! Here he is in a 'purple haze' on the chair by the fire!

I have lots to do over the next few days so will try and get down to it rather than finding other things to do! We will see .....

Al ;)

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