Friday, January 20, 2012

Bird Song

I woke up this morning to hear a song thrush singing in the tree opposite. It is a magical sound and just makes me feel so happy to be alive whenever I hear it.

If you have never heard one, here is a link to listen to one:

This makes me feel that spring is really on its way and in addition there are so many flowers out, daffodils, snowdrops and our hycinths that I can't believe that we will revert to cold and icy weather again, although there is still time for that.

One day last year in the spring, I got up at dawn, sat on the stern and listened to the dawn chorus. it was an amazing experience and so peaceful to be sitting on the back of the boat which stretches out into the canal. I don't think I have ever felt so at one with nature and that feeling of awe and joy stayed with me for many days.

It has rained all day today which was good in a way because I had no desire to go out and I got lots of work done. I took some time out to take youngest son out for a 'big shop' at the supermarket and drop him off at university afterwards. I am looking forward to the whole family being together to celebrate his birthday on Sunday.

This evening we are going to the theatre to see our neighbour in her play, so now I am off to get changed into my glad rags!


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