Friday, June 15, 2012

Stormy Weather

I got up yesterday morning at 6.15 am. Another early start, one of three this week and I am getting very tired of getting up so early! Because we have moved up to the basin it takes me longer to get to school in the morning, so I have to leave at 7.15 in order to get there to start at 8.30.

Having said that, I don't really have a problem with getting up for work, because I enjoy my job so much. What is really wonderful about being up here is that I walk down the boat as soon as I get up and because we are not overlooked we have all our curtains open and I look out over a fantastic scene:

The next few weeks though I am working away (all in the UK though), so I am spending time on preparation and packing etc.  I have the next few days to sort all that out and will enjoy spending some time chilling and looking at the bird life. We have a lovely fledgling pied wagtail who bobs down our jetty and looks in the window to say 'hello':


The mallards are very lazy and just seem to spend their lives kipping:

There is only one on the jetty at the moment but often there are as many as 10 or 12!

There is a really sweet tufted duck who swims near to the boat, but never comes really near:

A moorhen has decided to nest on our friend's boat. They are only there at weekends but have to get in and out, so disturb her every time they get on their boat, but she seems to have got used to them and is quite content. She is sitting on eight eggs! I took this 'photo from several jetties away with a big lense so as not to disturb her:

I am travelling on Sunday, so may post before then. There are a pair of Grebes on the water  and I am hoping to get a photo of them. It is so wild and 'people free'up here that the wild life is much more relaxed. The ducks sleep on the roof of our boat at night, which is fine, but they get up as soon as it is light and walk up and down the roof which is quite loud when you are trying to get some sleep!

Last night it was very stormy up here and it has rained nearly all day today. It was so windy last night that the boat was bouncing up and down on the mooring and we kept waking up with the violent movement. On the marina it is sheltered, but up in the basin it is very exposed, lovely in good weather, but a bit grim when the weather turns.

It still doesn't put me off though. I love it up here.

We are looking after Jack for the night as his Mum has gone down to London for the weekend to help her son move house. I took him for a long walk and we somehow managed to dodge the showers. he is now looking very contented in his basket:

Al :)

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