Friday, August 10, 2012


I haven't posted for a few days because I have been catching up on chores and pottering around and it is amazing how time consuming such things are!

The allotment has been amazing and has suddenly got into 'glut' status! We have given away loads of veg, but we still have too many broad beans. I have frozen lots of peas and beans but our freezer on the boat is only small.

So far we have harvested and cooked beetroot, broad and runner beans, potatoes, cabbage, onions and garlic. We also have some gooseberries and raspberries.

This is just from the allotment, but on visiting our patch at the end of our berth last week we found that our herb garden had got out of control. Phil 'dead headed' the roses and I put them in a bowl which made the boat smell lovely:

We have grown lots of Rosemary and Mint and I know they go well together, so I looked up a recipe for massage oil on the internet and made some. Here is the rosemary drying out in the sun on the top of the boat:

We have had some serious rain over the past few days. It was like a monsoon the other night:

We woke up at 5am to see the fire brigade working by the houses on the edge of the basin which had flooded. It makes me very glad to be on a boat!

Today the weather has been georgous and I opened up the boat and let the air flow through with every window and door open. It now smells lovely and fresh
  The sunsets have been fantastic recently, the light is so good up here and the cloud formations are quite spectacular:

We are away next week, but on our return we will be going back to our normal mooring for a bit and then moving north for a few days, so plenty to write about soon. I'll leave you with an interesting picture of the sky I took last night.

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