Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Talking Dogs

Yesterday I got back from my second long day at work to find Jack the whippet waiting for me. When he doesn't see me properly for a couple of days he gets really annoyed as he can't understand why I disappear instead of taking him for walks. On these occasions I get an enthusiastic welcome but accompanied by a cacophany of howling and yelping as he tells me what a terrible time he's had and 'how dare I go off and leave him'. He's perfectly happy with T his owner and he sees Phil whenever he wants, but he seems to only feel really contented when he has all three of us to himself. When T comes over for a drink and we are all chatting, he will lie on the floor and snooze between us the picture of contentment and happiness.

We always know when Jack is really happy because he turns himself upside down .....

On the subject of talking dogs, I was sent a link by an old college friend of mine to this youtube video. His sister lives on a narrowboat too and writes books about the adventures of her dog Chico.

It's fun video if you have a couple of minutes to watch it .....

Al :0

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