Friday, April 13, 2012

Bird Song

I sat out on top of the boat this evening and just soaked up the atmosphere. The sun was shining and  spring is evident all around us. There is a very vociferous song thrush in the tree opposite us, the curlews are bubbling in the fields across the other side of the canal and lapwings fly over with their eerie call. They are displaying at the moment which is quite a sight as they swoop and dive above our heads and over the fields.

Sitting there listening to all the different bird song was magical. On the boat we are so much closer to nature and we feel so lucky.

Today Phil drilled a hole 4 ins in diameter at the end of the bed and another one at the other end through to the bathroom cupboard. We will see how much air flow this creates and if it solves the damp problem. So far the dehumidifiers in the wardrobes are working well, but damp is becoming less of a problem in any case as the weather improves.

We did some more work on the allotment today, putting up wire fencing to keep the rabbits out. They are a real problem and have even eaten the string boundary markers we put out the other day:

I think the allotment is going to be a life saver for my 'problems' on the marina. It will be somewhere I can escape to when things start to get to me. Other people on the marina are much more tolerant than me, they manage to rub along with these people okay, even though they do recognise the problems. However I find it difficult to share the same space even though I never go anywhere near them. I think the allotment is going to be a welcome refuge for me.

The light as the evening closed in was lovely. We do get some beautiful skies around here:



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