Friday, April 20, 2012

A Day Off

I am working over the weekend and today is the only day off I will get in a while, so I tried to make the most of it.

I did some washing and filled the boat up with fresh water and had a lovely chat with our neighbours and other boater friends. At lunchtime, Phil said that it would be good to spend an afternoon bird watching because we are not sure when we will get the opportunity in the future. I am working tomorrow in the Midlands and we are hoping to have a walk on the way home on Sunday, but after that things get very busy,

I have now been booked to go straight from Portugal to Ireland where I will be working for three weeks, so I will be away from home for a month. Hopefully Phil will be able to come over and spend a weekend with me over there.

So we decided to go bird watching in search of the Great Grey Shrike, a rare bird which had been reported to be on a fell about 30 miles away. We parked up at the spot and went in search. Pendle Hill is such an iconic hill and we have climbed it many times:

There were some sweet lambs in the fields:

As we were leaving the fell, (with no sighting of the bird unfortunately), an escaped lamb was running down the road. A car coming from the opposite direction stopped and together we managed to catch the lamb and return it to its mum. The other driver was local and told us that it had been a difficult day. The farmer's trailer had been stolen with a bull in it. Once the thieves had realised what was in it, they released it on the fell and drove off. Dodgy stuff, I'm glad I wasn't walking on the fell at that time!!

I spent the evening sitting on top of the boat taking in the last vestiges of the sunset. An early start tomorrow so an early night.

Night night


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