Monday, January 9, 2012


Back to work today and I realise that over the past few weeks I have been spoilt!

We all have chores to do but when they get done does tend to vary. When we lived in a house I was a genius at procrastination. There was always something else to do rather than the washing up or dusting. However on a boat you cannot put anything off or else it seriously interferes with your comfort on board!

Washing up has to be done straight away after a meal otherwise there are no surfaces to work with or put anything on. If the fire isn't cleaned out in the morning you aren't going going to be able to light one later in the day. If you don't sweep your chimney out every few weeks it becomes dangerous. As for the toilet - well you really don't want that overflowing!! In addition, don't take your morning shower for granted unless you have filled the tank up with water! I have run out a couple of times mid shower and it is no joke believe me!

So, although a house by its sheer size means a lot of cleaning, a boat brings with it, its own domestic chores!

Going back to work means that I can no longer come in of an evening and 'slob out'. There are certain things we have to do before we can relax for the night. Tonight I got back from being indoors all day which drives me mad,  so my first job was to take Jack for a walk. When I got back to the boat the sunset was sensational:

When I got into work this morning everyone was agog with the information a colleague had imparted to them - that he had visited me over the holiday and the boat was georgous. They all seemed surprised! I sometimes wonder what people imagine when they think of the boat. I think they visualise it as some cold, dank empty hulk. Mind you - that's not such a bad thing as more often that not when we have visitors they don't want to leave. In addition many of them are just not used to functioning in a confined space - we had two visitors last weekend who brought their dog which leapt all over the boat and was totally out of control, one of them spilt coffee everywhere because he couldn't get his head round the concept that you have to keep your elbows in if there are four of you sitting in the living area and the worst sin of all .... they stayed forever because it was 'cosy' by the fire. 

OK I am in rant mode at the moment, but a lot of people seem to think that if you live on a boat you don't have a normal life with pressures of time and chores to do!! It seems you have all day to sit around entertaining. Also no one rings any more to check if you are in, they just turn up. Now I know I appear to be ungrateful and churlish, but normal rules just don't seem to apply if you live on a boat - be warned!!!

Al :/

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