Friday, January 27, 2012

Ducks and Kingfishers

This morning Phil went down to our other little boat (spare room for guests and a weekending boat for our boys). We bought it as a bit of a wreck and have nearly finished doing it up. Phil asked if I would like to go down with him and keep him company while he finished painting the ceiling, but I thought I had better get our fire lit and do some other chores. I went down about an hour later to see a Kingfisher winging its way down the tow path. Phil said it had been sitting on our mooring rope, needless to say I had no camera with me. As Phil was coming back he saw it again going north. Soooo frustrating, but I will get a picture of it eventually!

Here is a pic of the inside of the little boat which is nearly finished:

As I walked back to our boat I saw some lovely snowdrops, a sign of spring on its way:

Today the duck hatch was opened for the first time since last summer, a definite sign of warmer weather to come. I had cooked a fry up for brunch and needed to clear the smoke and thought it was probably warm enough outside to let some fresh air in through the duck hatch. For those who don't know what one of these is, it is a double door in the side of the boat which is at the level of the water from which you can feed the ducks. Here it is today .....

And here it is in action last year ....

The weather is promising to be fine tomorrow and we hope to go walking in the Lake District, so an early night for us.

Nite nite


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